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Summer School 2024

The NORA Summer Research School will take place at the UiA from the 10 - 14 June 2024.

The Summer School offers three intensive courses on current topics within the field of Artificial Intelligence. 

Course 1: Geometric Deep Learning


Modern deep learning has had tremendous success in applying complex neural networks to problems from a wide range of disciplines, such as computer vision and protein folding. Geometric deep learning deals with incorporating symmetries into deep learning architectures. A symmetry of features is a transformation that is guaranteed not to change the labels. Symmetries are ubiquitous in many machine learning tasks. For example, in computer vision the object category is unchanged by shifts, so shifts are symmetries in the problem of visual object classification. In computational chemistry, the task of predicting properties of molecules independently of their orientation in space requires rotational invariance. This course gives and understanding of the theoretical basis underlying geometric deep learning. Furthermore, the course includes implementation of geometric components and as well as applying geometric deep learning on real-world data.

Learning objectives:

Upon completion of the course the student be able to

- understand the basic principles of geometric deep learning
- implement geometric deep learning algorithms
- compare various approaches in geometric deep learning
- read and critically assess geometric deep learning papers
- apply and evaluate geometric deep learning methods on real data sets

Course Plan:

Tentative Course schedule (the schedule may adjust in terms of topics and presenters).

Time June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14
9.00-10.30 Introduction (Nello Blaser) Geometric blueprint (Erlend Grong) Graphs II (Raghavendra Selvan) Equivariance I (Gabriele Cesa) Equivariance III (Gabriele Cesa)








Geometry basics (Erlend Grong)

Graphs I (Raghavendra Selvan)

Graphs III (Raghavendra Selvan)

Equivariance II (Gabriele Cesa)

Summary (Nello Blaser)













Practical information:

Dates: 10-14 June 2024

Registration Deadline: 31 March 2024

Maximum Intake: 20 Candidates (Priority given to PhD candidates)

Total credits: 3 ECTS

Venue: H1 022, Floor 1, Eilert Sundts hus, Fakultet for Samfunnsvitenskap, Kristiansand Campus

Registration is closed 

Course 2: DRE 7053 Generative Models


Generative models are used in different fields of machine learning, e.g., image processing, natural language processing, representation learning, and multimodal learning just to name a few. Advances in parameterizing these models using deep neural networks have enabled scalable modeling of complex and high-dimensional data. This course focuses on Variational Autoencoders and Variational Diffusion models. The course consists of 5 days of teaching with both lectures and practical components, from June 10th.-14th at UiA.

Course Plan:

Practical information:

Dates: 10-14 June 2024

Total credits: 5 ECTS

Registration Deadline: 31 March 2024

Venue: HU 022, Floor U, Eilert Sundts hus, Fakultet for Samfunnsvitenskap, Kristiansand Campus

Registration is closed 

Course 3: Secure and Robust AI Model Development (DAT945)


Welcome to the "Secure and Robust AI Model Development (DAT945)" course. This course will explore theoretical frameworks and practical implementations, utilizing Jupyter Notebooks to enhance AI models against security threats, ensure robustness, and preserve privacy. Participants will develop a profound understanding of advanced techniques such as federated learning, homomorphic encryption, adversarial machine learning, and uncertainty quantification. The course emphasizes hands-on experience with Python, incorporating libraries like Keras/TensorFlow, uncertainty_wizard, PyFHEL, and Flower. Two assignments are planned throughout the course: a pre-assignment to assess participants' baseline knowledge and a post-assignment to evaluate their proficiency after training. Additionally, students will present their final projects, providing a comprehensive understanding of the practical applications of the acquired knowledge.

Course Plan:

Tentative Course schedule (the schedule may adjust in terms of topics and presenters).

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
09:30-10:30 Introduction Uncertainty Quantification Cryptography & Homomorphic Encryption
Introduction Concepts & Code Examples Concepts & Code examples
10:45-12:00 Adversarial ML Adv. ML & Uncertainty Privacy: Crypto protocols in AI
Concepts  Relation & Mitigation Federated learning with homomorphic enc.
13:00-14:00 Adversarial ML XAI Course Closing & Discussions
Code examples Concepts with Adv. ML & Uncertainty Final Project
14:15-15:30 Adversarial ML Privacy: Federated Learning  
Mitigations & Code Examples Code examples  

Practical information:

Dates: 10-12 June 2024

Total credits: 5 ECTS

Registration Deadline: 31 March 2024

Venue: HU 062, Floor U, Eilert Sundts hus, Fakultet for Samfunnsvitenskap, Kristiansand Campus

Registration is closed 

Social Program and other details

we are also planning for some social activities during this week. If you are an eager volunteer do reach out to us with your plan. write to us at contact@nora.ai . Watch this space for program details. 


If you are traveling from any other city of Norway to attend the summer school and need financial support to attend. Write to contact@nora.ai with your official email. The maximum support available is 2500 NOK.